Natural heritage
Darebin's natural heritage includes flowers, plants, wildlife and geological features. It has great benefits for current and future generations.
Our natural heritage includes flowers, plants, wildlife and geological features of local, regional, state or national significance. It has fundamental value in the community, and great benefits for current and future generations.
We work with others to protect natural heritage, including local Aboriginal groups, management committees, friends’ groups and landowners.
About our Natural Heritage Strategy
Our Natural Heritage Strategy 2015-2025(PDF, 2MB) describes our plan to protect and enhance natural heritage sites over the next 10 years.
The strategy covers land ownership and management on key sites, as well as planning controls, policies and management plans which affect natural heritage. It outlines more than 60 actions to address key issues and meet our vision of Darebin as a place that values natural heritage. We will work with land managers and the community to achieve this vision.
Why do we have a Natural Heritage Strategy?
We developed the strategy to recognise, value and protect what is a wealth of natural heritage for a metropolitan council. This includes:
- 51 sites of local significance
- 24 sites of regional significance
- two sites of regional-state significance
- 34 sites of state significance
- two sites of regional-national significance
- 26 sites of national significance.
What does the Natural Heritage Strategy include?
The strategy includes actions across four main areas:
- Knowing about natural heritage.
- Caring for natural heritage.
- Working with landowners, managers and groups.
- Community engagement and education.
Learn more about our natural heritage
If you want more information about natural heritage in Darebin, email us at
Explore and celebrate our significant natural heritage sites and the community’s commitment to them:
Watch the Natural Heritage Strategy video