Our free hard waste collections

Hard waste

Bookings open in late June 2025 and can be made anytime
throughout the financial year either online or by phone.

Booked hard waste collection trial

We’re trialling a new, booked hard waste collection service during 2025 and 2026 the with the following features:

  • One free booked collection of up to two cubic metres of waste
  • Bookings available anytime throughout the financial year, either online or by phone
  • Residents can book additional paid collections (unlimited)

We’re excited to trial this new approach and look forward to seeing the benefits it brings to our community.


Why is Council proposing changes to the current collection service?

The shift to a booked collection service aims to improve community wellbeing by providing:

  • Accessibility: Reducing obstacles on footpaths during blanket collections, making it easier for wheelchair or pram users to pass safely.
  • Flexibility: A booked service allows residents to schedule pickups at their convenience, especially those needing assistance at varying times.
  • Timeliness: Booked collections provide immediate disposal options, such as when renters vacate a property, helping reduce illegal dumping.
  • Landfill Diversion: Councils with booked services report higher levels of landfill diversion, benefiting waste reduction and sustainability.

When will these changes take effect?

The three-year plan for the hard waste service is as follows:

  • 2025: First year of trial (starts July)
  • 2026: Second year of trial
  • 2027: Assessment and potential continuation of the service

Why is Council conducting a two-year trial?

We’re trialling it to make sure it works! We’ll be tracking a lot of things, including, how much goes to landfill in the area wide versus the booked, and how many supports/complaints we receive for each service. This will inform which is the best service for the community.

Will rates be reduced due to the change in service?

No, there is no expected change in your rates due to the booked trial. While the service is changing to one collection, your existing kerbside waste charge will not change. However, there will be an option to book additional paid collections if needed.

More information

Customer service
Call: 03 8470 8888 
Email: mailbox@darebin.vic.gov.au