Our free hard waste collections

Hard waste

We provide hard waste collection services each financial year.

Upcoming hard waste collection 

The next hard waste collection will be a booked collection in 2025. 

Booked hard waste collection trial 2025 and 2026

We’re trialling something new for hard waste in Darebin - a booked hard waste collection service with the following features:

  • One free booked collection of two cubic metres of waste per financial year.
  • Bookings made online or by phone.
  • Extra collections can be arranged for community members experiencing hardship.
  • Option for residents to pay for extra, unlimited collections of up to two cubic metres of hard waste.

We’re excited to trial this new approach and look forward to seeing the benefits it brings to our community.

When is council proposing these changes to take effect?

The three-year hard rubbish service plan is as follows:

  • Continue with area-wide hard rubbish service in 2024
  • No booked spring pick up in 2024
  • First year of trialling booked hard rubbish service in 2025 (starts in July)
  • Second year of trialling booked hard rubbish service in 2026
  • Assessment and recommendation of continuing hard rubbish service to commence 2027.

Why is Council conducting a two-year trial?

We are trialling the change to a booked hard waste collection service so that we can evaluate the impacts of the trial before moving to an ongoing booked hard waste collections service. We will consider the amount of hard waste going to landfill and whether the program better meets the community’s needs.

Why is Council proposing changes to the current collection service?

We think a booked collection service will benefit the community in a number of ways:

  • Residents can access the service when they need it most, for example when moving house
  • A booked collection may help reduce hazards on nature strips and footpaths for people walking, wheeling or pushing a pram or other walking aid
  • It may reduce the volume of waste that ends up in landfill
  • Recent community feedback supported a booked collection

Will there be a reduction in the amount you are charging me in my rates now that it is only going to be one collection?

There is not expected to be any change to your waste charge due to the booked trial.

There will not be any charges to your existing kerbside waste charge due to this change. However, there will be an option to book an additional hard waste collection at a cost.

More information

Customer service
Call: 03 8470 8888 
Email: mailbox@darebin.vic.gov.au