If you need to report a lost, damaged, or missed bin, or have any other bin-related enquiries, please contact us directly at 03 8470 8888.
If you see trees or branches that are unsafe, unhealthy or fallen, contact us.
If you're concerned that a tree on a nature strip or in a public park or public garden is unhealthy or unsafe, you can report it to us. We will arrange for the scene to be inspected and cleaned as soon as possible.
An unhealthy or unsafe tree could include:
You'll be asked to identify the street as the first step in your request.
Report a tree branch down
Report an unsafe tree in need of pruning
Report a tree branch that is touching power lines
If you notice bees or wasps in the tree, see our Pest control page for more information.
If the tree is on:
Customer service Call: 03 8470 8888 Email: mailbox@darebin.vic.gov.au