Filming and photography permits
Darebin is an industry favourite with a diverse range of production locations.
The City of Darebin has a diverse range of locations, from inner city period homes, suburban streetscapes, active shopping precincts to vast parklands. Located between 5 and 15kms north of the Melbourne CBD, Darebin has been the home to many local and international productions.
A permit is required for filming or commercial photography activities undertaken on Council-controlled land. This includes, roads, footpaths, public car parks, our parks or nature strips.
You don't need a permit if you're using a hand-held camera or taking photography or film for personal private use such as weddings.
Penalties apply if you conduct filming or commercial photography without an approved permit.
Apply for a filming and photography permit
Types of permits
Low impact
To be eligible for a low impact permit applicants must meet all of the following conditions:
- The duration of the shoot must not exceed 4 hours (including bump in and bump out) and that the production will be completed no later than 7pm.
- A maximum of six people in total will be on-site (including production crew and talent).
- The production equipment will consist of no more than one camera, one tripod and hand-held sound recording equipment. No lighting or sheltering equipment on stands, no camera tracking devices, no vehicles, no drones, no weapons, no firearms, no fireworks, no special effects, props, or generators.
- No disruption will be caused to the city's stakeholders (traders, residents and businesses) or motorists or other events in the vicinity of the activities.
- No traffic or pedestrian management plans are required for the shoot.
- No filming will be conducted in any Darebin parks or gardens.
- No allocated parking is required for the shoot.
Commercial production
A commercial production is defined as a production which is not eligible to be a low impact production.
To be eligible for a student's production permit, the applicant is required to include the following with their application:
- A copy of the university / school certificate of currency holding public liability insurance for minimum of $10 million.
- A letter from the school endorsing the filming activity, including risk management that has been reviewed and approved by the course coordinator.
- A maximum number of 6 students are permitted on site during the shoot.
Applying for a permit
When to apply
Filming within the Darebin requires a permit. This includes commercial photography, student filming and low impact productions.
All applications must be received at least 5 full business days in advance, with 7 business days' notice required if the filming activity involves traffic management.
What you will need
Before you begin your application, you will need to ensure that you have:
- Full details of the location(s) required and estimated times that the proposed production will take place.
- Full contact details of all involved e.g. location manager, production manager etc.
- Running sheet outlining a synopsis of the proposed production.
- Details of any pedestrian management, safety or traffic management plans including site plans.
- Communication (stakeholder notification) plans. You must include a copy of this with your application to us.
- A copy of your public liability insurance for a minimum sum of $10 million.
- Submission of an application form does not constitute approval for filming.
- You will be contacted within 3 working days with details of further information required to complete your application.
- A permit will be issued only when all information has been received and processed.
- Please read Darebin City Council's Filming and Photography Permit Terms and Conditions(PDF, 75KB) before applying for a filming permit.
How long will my permit take?
When all required documentation has been supplied and is deemed satisfactory, you can expect to have your permit within 5 working days.
How to apply
It's quick and easy to apply for a Filming and Photography Permit online:
Apply for a filming and photography permit
On approval, you will be provided an invoice which must be paid prior to the commencement of any activities.
Permit fees
Fees apply for use of public space for filming or still photography.
Permit fee type |
Daily cost |
Production fee |
Commercial production |
$500 per day |
Low Impact production
$250 per day |
Student production
Free |
Parking fee
Commercial parking bays |
$73 each, per day |
Resident Parking bays |
$48 each, per day |
Public liability insurance
Darebin City Council requires all persons conducting filming or photography within the Municipality holds public liability insurance of $10 million.
Terms and conditions
Download our filming and photography permit terms and conditions(PDF, 75KB) that apply to permit holders. These terms and conditions are subject to change.
Parks, sports grounds and other council services
Filming activity have the potential to impact several council departments and services. Productions wanting to use Darebin parks, sports ground or other open space will require a park event permit before a filming permit can be granted.
Based on the location, complexity and impact of the film shoot, other council permits may also be required. If approved a separate permit or booking fee may apply.
In coordinating your filming application, all efforts will be made to maintain excellent relationships between the film industry, the city and its residents, traders and visitors.
Privately managed locations
If you wish to film at a privately managed location, permissions must be provided from the relevant owners or authority. We will advise if your proposed location is privately managed and will assist you with obtaining the required permission.
Other authorities
VicRoads managed roads
If you want to film on a VicRoads managed road, you should also contact VicRoads to discuss their filming requirements. See VicRoads events and filming for details. You still need to apply to us for a filming permit.
Victoria Police
Victoria Police only need to be notified if you are undertaking activities that may cause concern or alarm within the community. For example use of firearms, explosives, stunts. See Victoria Police film and television for details.
Use of a remote piloted aircraft (RPA) / drone
Council will not consider the use of a drone unless the applicant can demonstrate that all Civil Aviation Safety Authority (CASA) rules have been met. Drone related activities will be assessed on a case by case basis.
Additional resources
More information
Customer Service
Phone: 03 8470 8888