Please call ahead to confirm hours before you visit the tip this week on 03 8470 8888
Council's Health Officer's may assist where there is residential odour that impacts your health.
If you have noticed concerns with odour coming from your neighbour's property, Council encourages you to speak to them directly in the first instance. There are instances that council cannot assist, these may include:
If there is a reoccurring residential odour that is affecting your health, Council may be able to investigate. To determine whether Council assist you will be asked to complete and submit a residential odour log(PDF, 261KB) over a 14 day period. The data provided will enable an authorised officer to determine whether the odour is unreasonable or potentially a nuisance that requires further investigation.
Observe weather conditions when completing work that may create an odour.
Consider weather conditions before starting work that may create an odour. For example, try to avoid windy days in summer odour may affect more people because they are outdoors, and windows maybe left open.
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