A-Z waste and recycling guide

Find ways to recycle or dispose of common items using Darebin kerbside bins or collection services, drop-off locations, or through other service providers that may include a fee with our a-z recycling guide. You can also check out other recycling options around Darebin.

This is a new guide. If you think an item is missing or spot something that needs to be updated, please let us know at mailbox@darebin.vic.gov.au

If you'd prefer a printable guide, you can download this hard copy of the Waste and Recycling Guide(PDF, 7MB).

    24 Result(s) Found

    Acids and alkalis

    Detox Your Home


    No bin! - see information on e-waste, Hard waste

    Advertising material

    Join the Do Not Mail list, Mixed recycling bin (yellow lid)

    Aerosol (spray) cans - full

    Detox Your Home

    Aerosol (spray) cans - empty

    Mixed recycling bin (yellow lid)

    Air conditioners

    Repair, Darebin Resource Recovery Centre

    Aluminium cans and trays

    Mixed recycling bin (yellow lid)

    Aluminium foil (clean, rolled into a ball)

    Mixed recycling bin

    Animal droppings/pet poo

    General rubbish bin, Set up a pet poo worm farm (keep separate from other worm farms or compost)

    Animal fur/hair (small amounts)

    Home compost, General rubbish bin

    Answering machine

    No bin - see information on e-wasteHard waste


    Return to your local pharmacy, General rubbish bin


    Detox Your Home


    Repair, No bin! - see information on e-waste, Hard waste


    No bin! More information on asbestos

    Ash - (must be cold)

    Home compost, General rubbish bin

    Audio tapes and reel to reels

    No bin! - see information on e-wasteHard waste


    Baby formula tins

    Mixed recycling bin (yellow lidded)

    Baby goods

    Donate/charity, Big Group Hug


    General rubbish bin, Lombard Preston (Latex and Foil balloons only)

    Bamboo fencing

    Donate/charity, Darebin Resource Recovery CentreGeneral rubbish bin

    Band aids

    General rubbish bin

    Baskets (cane, broken)

    Hard waste, General rubbish bin

    Batteries (car)

    Battery World, Darebin Resource Recovery Centre

    Batteries (household including rechargeables)

    No bin! Tape the ends and take to a B-cycle drop-off point, Council Recycling Station, Darebin Resource Recovery CentreALDI stores, Coles, Woolworths


    Sell or rehome, Hard waste, Darebin Resource Recovery Centre

    Bean bag beans

    General rubbish bin (ensure they are secure/bagged)

    Bean bags 

    Donate/charityDarebin Resource Recovery CentreGeneral rubbish bin (ensure filling is secure/bagged)

    Beauty products (unopened)

    Donate/charity, Share the Dignity

    Bed frames

    RepairDonate/charityDarebin Resource Recover CentreHard waste

    Bedding (manchester)

    Donate/charity, Sheridan, H&M stores

    Beer bottle tops (loose, metal)

    Mixed recycling bin (yellow lid)

    Berry punnets

    Mixed recycling bin (yellow lid)

    Bicycles (broken)

    Darebin Resource Recovery Centre, Hard Waste

    Bicycles (good condition)

    Donate your bike to WeCycle to be rehomed, Donate your bike for resale at the Bike ShedDarebin Resource Recovery Centre, Sell or rehome

    Biscuit tray plastic (from packaged biscuits)

    Mixed recycling bin (yellow lid)

    Biscuit packet (wrapper only)

    General rubbish bin

    Black plastic containers or plant pots

    General rubbish bin


    No bin! Repair, see information on e-waste, Hard WasteDarebin Resource Recovery Centre

    Blister packs

    Mixed recycling bin (yellow lid), SPAN community house

    Bones (from food scraps)

    Home compost, Food and green waste bin (light green lid)

    Bones (whole animal carcass, not from food scraps)

    General rubbish bin


    Donate/charity, Community Library Box, Darebin Resource Recovery CentreMixed recycling bin (yellow lid) (remove cover)

    Bottles (glass) with lids off

    Mixed recycling bin (yellow lid), metal lids and plastic lids larger than a credit card can also go in recycling bin

    Bottles (plastic) with lids off

    Mixed recycling bin (yellow lid), plastic lids larger than a credit card can also go in recycling bin

    Boxes (cardboard)

    Mixed recycling bin (yellow lid)

    Boxes (waxed cardboard)

    General rubbish bin

    Branches (large)

    Darebin Resource Recovery Centre

    Branches (small)

    Food and green waste bin (light green lid)

    Bread bag (plastic)

    General rubbish bin

    Bread tags 

    SPAN community houseBanish, General rubbish bin

    Bread bag ties

    General rubbish bin


    Clean bricks (whole or partially broken) accepted at Darebin Resource Recovery Centre

    Broken glass

    General rubbish bin (wrapped up)

    Bubble wrap

    PackshareGeneral rubbish bin

    Building material (bricks, cement, timber)

    Darebin Resource Recovery Centre

    Butane cans (from camp stoves)

    Detox Your Home

    Butchers paper

    Mixed recycling bin (yellow lidded)



    Cake trays (plastic)

    Mixed recycling bin (yellow lid)

    Cameras (digital)

    No bin! - see information on e-waste, Darebin Resource Recovery Centre, Ted's Cameras Recycling Program, Donate or sell, Hard waste

    Cameras (film)

    Ted's Camera Recycling Program


    Donation/charity, General rubbish bin

    Cans (steel)

    Mixed recycling bin (yellow lid)

    Car (old)

    Kids Under Cover

    Car seats (child car seats and boosters)

    Donate/charity, Hard waste

    Car speakers

    No bin! - see information on e-waste, Hard waste

    Car tyres

    Darebin Resource Recovery Centre, Hard Waste

    Carcasses (dead pets and animals)

    General rubbish bin


    Mixed recycling bin (yellow lid), Darebin Resource Recovery Centre

    Cardboard (waxed)

    General rubbish bin

    Carpet scraps/underlay

    General rubbish bin, Darebin Resource Recovery Centre, Hard waste

    Cartons (long life milk, soy/plant milks and juice, foiled lined packaging)

    General rubbish bin

    Cartons (refrigerated milk, dairy, juice)

    General rubbish bin

    Cartridges (printer/toner)

    Cartridges 4 Planet Ark, Recycling near you

    Cassette tapes (and cases)

    Donate, Council Recycling Stations

    Cat poo and kitty litter

    General rubbish bin

    CD/DVD drives

    No bin! - see information on e-waste, Hard waste

    CDs/DVDs (and covers)

    Donate/charity, Council Recycling Station


    General rubbish bin

    Ceramics (broken)

    General rubbish bin

    Ceramics (intact)

    Donate/charity, General rubbish bin

    Cereal box insert (soft plastic bag)

    General rubbish bin

    Cereal boxes

    Mixed recycling bin (yellow lid)


    Detox Your Home

    Chewing gum

    General rubbish bin

    China (broken)

    General rubbish bin

    China (intact)


    Chip packet (including with foil lining)

    General rubbish bin

    Christmas tree (fake)

    Donate/charity, Darebin Resource Recovery Centre, Hard waste

    Christmas tree (live)

    Resource Recovery Centre

    Cigarette butts

    TerraCycle, General rubbish bin

    Cigarette lighter (empty)

    General rubbish bin

    Cigarette packet

    General rubbish bin

    Cleaning products

    Detox Your Home

    Cling (plastic film) wrap

    General rubbish bin

    Clothing and textiles (beyond reuse)

    UpparelH&M stores, General rubbish bin

    Coat hangers

    Donate/charity, General rubbish bin

    Coffee cup lid (plastic)

    General rubbish bin

    Coffee cups (compostable)

    Simply Cups, General rubbish bin

    Coffee cups (plastic-lined paper)

    Simply Cups, General rubbish bin

    Coffee granules

    Home compost, Food and garden organics bin (light green lid)

    Coffee jars (glass)

    Mixed recycling bin (yellow lid)

    Coffee jars (plastic)

    Mixed recycling bin (yellow lid)

    Coffee machine

    No bin! - see information on e-waste, Donate or sell, Hard waste

    Coffee pods (plastic/metal)

    Nespresso capsules, Other coffee capsules, Banish, General rubbish bin

    Compostable plastic cups (PLA plastic)

    General rubbish bin

    Computers (including monitors, screens, mouse, other parts)

    National Television and Computer Recycling Scheme, No bin! - see information on e-waste, Hard waste

    Concrete (clean, large pieces only, no smaller than a cricket ball)

    Darebin Resource Recovery Centre

    Construction waste

    Darebin Resource Recovery Centre - no mixed rubble or any cement sheet type product.

    Contact lens cases

    OptiCycle, General rubbish bin

    Contact lenses

    General rubbish bin

    Cooking oil (up to 40 litres)

    Darebin Resource Recovery Centre

    Cooking oil (small quantities)

    (pour into a container and seal) General rubbish bin

    Cooking oil (soaked up by paper)

    General rubbish bin


    Home compost, General rubbish bin, 

    Cosmetic jars (empty)

    Mixed recycling bin (yellow lid)

    Cotton wool balls

    Home compost, General rubbish bin

    Cotton wool buds

    (tips only) Home compost, General rubbish bin

    Cups and saucers (broken)

    General rubbish bin

    Curtains (poor condition)

    General rubbish bin

    Cutlery (metal)


    Cutlery (plastic)

    Banish, General rubbish bin


    Deep fryer

    No bin! - see information on e-waste, Hard waste

    Deli paper (no plastic lining)

    Mixed recycling bin (yellow lid)

    Dental floss containers

    General rubbish bin

    Detergent bottles (empty/lids off)

    Mixed recycling bin (yellow lid)

    Detergent and cleaning chemicals

    Detox Your Home


    No bin! - see information on e-waste, Hard waste, Darebin Resource Recovery Centre

    Dishwashing tablet flexible packaging (including snap lock and zip locks)

    TerraCycle, General rubbish bin

    Disk drives

    No bin! - see information on e-waste, Hard waste, National Television and Computer Recycling Scheme

    Dog poo

    General rubbish bin

    Doonas (polyester)

    Donate/charity, Hard waste

    Door handles

    Donate/charity, The junk map, Hard waste


    The junk map, Hard waste

    Down lights

    Council Recycling Stations, Hard waste

    Drink bottles (plastic)

    Mixed recycling bin (yellow lid), Container Deposit Scheme (Eligible containers only)

    Drink cans

    Mixed recycling bin (yellow lid), Container Deposit Scheme (Eligible containers only)

    Drinking straws

    General rubbish bin

    Dry cleaning bags

    General rubbish bin

    Dryer (clothes)

    Darebin Resource Recovery Centre, Hard waste

    Ducted heating units

    Darebin Resource Recovery Centre, Hard waste

    Ducting (flexible tubing from ducted heating)

    Darebin Resource Recovery CentreHard waste

    Dummies/ Pacifier (for babies)

    General rubbish bin


    Home compost, Worm farm, General rubbish bin

    DVD/CD players/drives

    No bin! - see information on e-waste, Hard waste, Darebin Resource Recovery Centre


    Council Recycling Station


    Egg cartons

    Mixed recycling bin (yellow lid), Home compost

    Electric blankets

    No bin! - see information on e-wasteHard waste

    Electric cooktop

    Hard wasteDarebin Resource Recovery Centre

    Electric toothbrush


    Electrical appliances/devices

    No bin! - see information on e-waste, Hard waste, Darebin Resource Recovery Centre

    Electrical cable

    No bin! -see information on e-wasteHard wasteDarebin Resource Recovery Centre

    Enamel pots/bowls


    Engine oil

    Detox Your Home, Resource Recovery Centre

    Envelopes (paper/with a plastic window)

    Mixed recycling bin (yellow lid)


    No bin! - see information on e-waste, Hard waste

    Eyeglasses (broken)

    General rubbish bin

    Eyeglasses (unbroken)

    Donate/charity, Recycling near you




    Donate/charity, Upparel, Darebin Resource Recovery Centre, H&M stores, General rubbish bin

    Fans (electronic)

    No bin! Donate/sell, Repair, Darebin Resource Recovery CentreHard waste

    Fax machines

    No bin! - see information on e-waste, Hard waste

    Fencing (timber)

    Darebin Resource Recovery Centre, The junk map

    Fencing wire

    Darebin Resource Recovery Centre


    Detox Your Home

    Fibro (asbestos cement sheet)

    More information on asbestos

    Film negatives

    General rubbish bin

    Filters (air and water)


    Fire extinguisher

    Detox Your Home

    Floppy disc drives

    No bin! - see information on e-waste, Hard waste

    Floppy discs

    No bin! - see information on e-waste,Hard waste

    Floss containers

    TerraCycle, General rubbish bin

    Fluorescent tubes

    Council Recycling Station, Detox Your Home 

    Foam packaging (peanut shaped)

    General rubbish bin

    Foam underlay

    General rubbish bin

    Food (leftovers or scraps)

    Food and garden waste bin

    Food cans

    Mixed recycling bin (yellow lid)

    Food pouches, yoghurt and baby food (soft plastic)

    Terracycle, General rubbish bin

    Food processer

    No bin! - see information on e-waste, Hard waste


    What to do with household appliances, Darebin Resource Recover Centre


    Hard waste

    Fruit and vegetable scraps

    Home compost, Food and garden organics bin (light green lid)

    Fuels (petrol, diesel, kerosene, other)

    Detox Your Home

    Fur (vintage or old)

    Check with a local animal or wildlife shelter, General rubbish bin


    Donate/sell, Darebin Resource Recovery CentreHard waste

    Garden chemicals

    Detox Your Home

    Garden organic waste

    (place loosely in the bin - do not bag) Food and garden organics bin (light green lid)

    Garden tools and equipment if usable (powered)

    No bin! Donate/charitysee information on e-waste, Hard waste

    Garden tools and equipment, if usable (unpowered)

    Donate/sell, Darebin Resource Recovery Centre, Hard waste

    Gas bottles (empty, e.g. BBQ bottles)

    Darebin Resource and Recovery Centre, SWAP'n'GO

    Gift cards (plastic wallet sized cards)

    General rubbish bin

    Gift wrap

    Mixed recycling bin (yellow lid)

    Glass (drinking cups and Pyrex)

    Donate/sell, Darebin Resource Recovery Centre, General rubbish bin

    Glass (window pane)

    Darebin Resource Recovery Centre

    Glass bottles (broken)

    General waste bin

    Glass jars/bottles with lids off

    Mixed recycling bin (yellow lid)

    Glasses (sight and reading)

    Lions Recycle for Sight

    Glossy paper, card, magazine

    Mixed recycling bin (yellow lid)

    Golf balls

    Donate, General rubbish bin

    Grass clippings

    Food and garden organics bin

    Greeting cards (used)

    Mixed recycling bin (yellow lid)

    Hair (pet or human)

    Home compost, General rubbish bin

    Hair Dryer

    No bin! - see information on e-waste, Hard waste

    Hair foils (with hair dye)

    General rubbish bin

    Hard drives

    (e-waste) No bin! - see information on e-waste, Hard waste

    Hard plastic

    Mixed recycling bin (yellow lid)

    Hazardous waste

    Detox Your Home


    No bin! - see information on e-waste, Hard waste

    Heaters (gas or electric)

    Darebin Resource Recovery Centre

    Helium tanks

    Detox Your Home

    Hifi unit

    Repair, Donate/charity, No bin! - see information on e-waste, Hard waste

    Highlighters, texters/textas, pens

    General rubbish bin

    Hose/hosing (with or without fittings)

    General rubbish bin

    Hot water bottles

    General rubbish bin

    Hot water systems (broken)

    No bin! - see information on e-waste

    Household chemicals

    Detox your home


    No bin! - see information on e-waste, Hard waste

    Hypodermic needles (lid on)

    More information on syringes and needles

    Ice cream containers and lids (plastic)

    Mixed recycling bin (yellow lid). Remove food scraps, and no need to clean thoroughly.

    Icy pole sticks

    General rubbish bin.

    Incandescent light bulbs - (wrap in paper)

    General rubbish bin.

    Ink cartridge 

    Find out where to dispose of ink cartridges at 4 Planet Ark.


    Do not throw in bin. Find out how to dispose of iPads with information on e-waste.

    Iron (for clothing)

    Do not throw in bin. Find out how to dispose of irons with information on e-waste.

    IT cords and cables

    Do not throw in bin. Find out how to dispose of IT cords and with information on e-waste and hard waste.

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