F items
Donate/charity, Upparel, Darebin Resource Recovery Centre, H&M stores, General rubbish bin
Fans (electronic)
No bin! Donate/sell, Repair, Darebin Resource Recovery Centre, Hard waste
Fax machines
No bin! - see information on e-waste, Hard waste
Fencing (timber)
Darebin Resource Recovery Centre, The junk map
Fencing wire
Darebin Resource Recovery Centre
Detox Your Home
Fibro (asbestos cement sheet)
More information on asbestos
Film negatives
General rubbish bin
Filters (air and water)
Fire extinguisher
Detox Your Home
Floppy disc drives
No bin! - see information on e-waste, Hard waste
Floppy discs
No bin! - see information on e-waste,Hard waste
Floss containers
TerraCycle, General rubbish bin
Fluorescent tubes
Council Recycling Station, Detox Your Home
Foam packaging (peanut shaped)
General rubbish bin
Foam underlay
General rubbish bin
Food (leftovers or scraps)
Food and garden waste bin
Food cans
Mixed recycling bin (yellow lid)
Food pouches, yoghurt and baby food (soft plastic)
Terracycle, General rubbish bin
Food processer
No bin! - see information on e-waste, Hard waste
What to do with household appliances, Darebin Resource Recover Centre
Hard waste
Fruit and vegetable scraps
Home compost, Food and garden organics bin (light green lid)
Fuels (petrol, diesel, kerosene, other)
Detox Your Home
Fur (vintage or old)
Check with a local animal or wildlife shelter, General rubbish bin
Donate/sell, Darebin Resource Recovery Centre, Hard waste